Part of The International Journal of Psychiatry - ISSN 1359 7620 - A trade mark of Priory Lodge Education Ltd

psi1.gif (3050 bytes) globe4.gif (9321 bytes)Nline.gif (2767 bytes) barrabr.gif (6829 bytes)Psychiatry On-line Brazil - Current Issues (4) 04 1999

english version

Associações     Universidades    Revistas


Associações e Organizações Internacionais

North American Sites

usac.jpg (151079 bytes)

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

American College of Physicians        e-mail:

American Medical Informatics (AMIA)
American Psychiatry Association (APA)
American Psychiatry Press Inc.
American Psychosomatic Society
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Institute of Health (NIH)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)        e-mail:
Psychiatry Society of Informatics
Society of Biological Psychiatry
World Federation for Mental Health
World Psychiatric Association

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Canadian Psychiatry Associatio                                       e-mail:
Canada´s Health Informatics Association
Cochrane Collaboration(Canada)            
Society for Medical Decision Making
The Canadian Institute for Health Information

Latin America Sites

Associação Psiquiatrica da América latina (APAL) e-mail:
Chilean Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery (Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía
Toward a Latin America Health Information Infrastructure (Retardo Mental)

European Sites

British Healthcare Internet Association (UK)

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (UK)

Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS)

Society for Internet in Medicine (UK)

WHO International Classification of Disease (ICD-10)



Universidades Internacionais

ball12.gif (924 bytes) Harvard Medical School (Department of Psychiatry)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Intitute of London University
ball12.gif (924 bytes) John Hopkins University
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Mc Gill University (Department of Psychiatry)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) New York State Psychiatric Institute
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Stanford Medical School of Medicine
ball12.gif (924 bytes) University of British Columbia
ball12.gif (924 bytes) University of Exeter (Mental Health Division)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) University of Michigan
ball12.gif (924 bytes) University of Pittsburg
ball12.gif (924 bytes) University of Washington Health Science



Revistas On-Line de Psiquiatria e áreas afins

ball12.gif (924 bytes) Addiction
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Advances in Biological Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Academic Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Acta Psychiatrica Scandinava
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Aging and Mental Health
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Alzheimer's Disease Review
ball12.gif (924 bytes) American Journal on Addictions
ball12.gif (924 bytes) American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) American Journal of Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) American Journals of Psychotherapy
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Archives of General Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Archives of Internal Medicine
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Bulletin of Meninger Clinic
ball12.gif (924 bytes) British Journal of Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) British Medical Journal
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Canadian Journals of Psychiatry (full-text)
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Evidence Based-Medicine Journal
ball12.gif (924 bytes) IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
ball12.gif (924 bytes) International Journal of Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy
ball12.gif (924 bytes) International Review of Psychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Journal of American Medicine Association
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Journal of Mental Health
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Journal of Neuroscience
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Journal of Neuropsychiatry
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Nature
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Neuropsychology
ball12.gif (924 bytes) New England Medicine Journal
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Praxis Psiquiátrica
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Online
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Psychiatry On-line
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Psychosomatics
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Science
ball12.gif (924 bytes) The Lancet
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Treatment
ball12.gif (924 bytes) Webtrack in Schizophrenia


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mail14.gif (2967 bytes) Denise Razzouk e Giovanni Torello

Data da última modificação:23/08/00